
24 May 2011

Audio Nearing Completion

The Audio is Pretty much completed now.

I edited 61 sound clips, some were used some were not.

We decided that instead of programming audio, we are going to render all animations with audio completed so to have the audio attached to animation.

Some were individual clips like mp3s for each individual, leaf, stalk or flower and some were soundscapes such as the dandelion and the Birds (Listen below) Which included up to 10 different tracks, cut and edited with effects.

Full Dandelion by Siobhan Gallagher

Birdies by Siobhan Gallagher

Myself and fodhla timed when each leaf and flower played and we inputted the audio into the animation, every leaf needed a different sound.  As did every stem, stalk, fish, and sprout etc, anything that moved basically has a different sound!!

 I am looking into panning the sound and also getting wireless headphones for the exhibition as we can not use surround sound.

I am also going to turn down the levels on the Daytime audio track and remove any twinkling and bird sound so that it is more background and you can hear the sound effects and audio cues more clearly.

1 comment:

  1. The birds are really clear and sound like birds at dawn. Perfect since our forest goes from night to morning :)
