
21 May 2011

Reversed Vines

You saw are growing vines in a previous blog post. Now there are successfully animated in reverse :)

Animation by Fodhla

20 May 2011

19 May 2011

Nearly exhibition time..

Just an update on where we are  at the minute, Well with only 2 weeks to the exhibition and one until the hand in date we're all pretty stressed!!
At the minute we're concentrating on getting the project together and in working order. Alannagh is working on set design and finishing up animations, Annie is working on programming and getting all our interactions in working order, Fodhla is finishing up animations, the dandelion and the fish, we know have 16 working animations complete with audio in the master file, so replay forest is slowly but surely coming to life! I am trying to get the audio track panning so there is more of a panoramic experience for the user, i am also trying to make the rock interaction, so we're all busy bees in replay forest! The set design is looking great thanks to alannagh and annie for sourcing materials and of course Annie's family for crocheting the flowers! We're all confident it's coming together and its gonna look and sound great.. watch this space..

REplay Group

Dandelion Animation

Animation by Fodhla

Dandelion from REplay on Vimeo.

The white box does not show up in Flash, put you get the idea.
It's actually very pretty when the seeds blow away.
