
24 May 2011

Hacking keyboard

Siobhan and I hacked a keyboard, we sourced a circuit from a keyboard, some wire and a breadboard from a hardware store and then began to test.  
We attached two wires and the other end to a pin on either side of the circuit to find the combination for letters which are out putted on Microsoft Word. 

We found 5 different combinations therefore 5 different working buttons and glued the into place and secured them with a plastic sheet and clamp. 
When we did this we found there was just 3 working combinations. These are the 3 wires that will connect to the pendulum, the pendulum ha 3 different interactions, we will wire up the 3 triggers into the breadboard along with the wires that connect to the pendulum. 

We tested this with a button so we know that it works, we will make another keyboard hack or arduino for the rock interaction and the windmill interaction. 

This will work in conjunction with the arduino that powers the microphone that Annie has already working. 



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