
08 June 2011

Inside REplay

Visitors to REplay Forest

The room was lit by fairy lights, creating a chilled out atmosphere, and we
didn't get around to capturing that properly in photographs but these will give
you an idea of the set design. We will post video in the coming weeks.
These photos don't do the room justice. You just had to be there!

There's a few more photos in our web albums: Click Here


30 May 2011

Photo Diary | Exhibition Room Day 3

Flower of Play Interaction

After a hectic morning, REplay is now submitted for marking. Phew!

Flower of Inspiration Interaction

The lecturers will spend today and tomorrow correcting the projects and for that reason we are not allowed back here until Wednesday.

We will be back early on Wednesday to perfect the set design.

Siobhán, Alannagh & Fodhla
In the mean time, there is a lot of work need on the programming before we open to the public at 6pm Wednesday, 1 June.

Our mentor kicked us out at midday, but not before helping us resolve a technical issue with the mouse.

Siobhán and our mentor

There are some more photos from today in the web album: Click Here




29 May 2011

Finished and Fabulous!

It took all day but thankfully all three interactions for
REplay mobile are decorated and wired.

5:30am Sunday - half way there
8:20pm Sunday - decorated and fully functioning

Mobile Interactions Video Updates

More about The Fish technology.

More about The Fish design.

More about The Butterfly design and technology.
From REplay on Vimeo.

Mobile Interactions Photo Update

Can't wait to blog how the three mobile interactions were made, but since I am still programming today, for now I will give you a sneak peak at yesterdays progress in pictures...

The Butterfly by Chief Knitter Toiréasa

{Picasa Web Album: The Butterfly}

The Fish by Crafty Cross-Stitcher Rachel

{Picasa Web Album: The Fish}

The Flower by Crochet Queen Áine

{Picasa Web Album:The Flower}

Interactions as of 5:30am

The women are working away again this afternoon to finish them off.

I really enjoyed making these, and I am so excited about seeing them on the mobile frame in our exhibition room!


28 May 2011

Buttons, wires, sewing.. interactions getting there...

The final buttons for our interactions are now 3 more  buttons from the second hacked keyboard we  are using these instead of the arduino now, so two buttons will be used for the little crocheted flowers that start the animations and one for the big flower.

I have made 2 soft buttons, with tinfoil and sponge i encased them in the lovely crocheted flowers Annie's mum and aunties made and have sewn them up. They seem tight and secure and the feel nice and squishy so when people find them in the bed of flowers they'll be disguised and won't have an obvious button!

27 May 2011

Photo Diary | Exhibition Room Day 2

We had a very full day between set design, and today's deadline for our group evaluation and individual self-evaluation reports.

The Flower Bed Interaction

Alannagh multitasking; set design & group evaluation

Siobhán typing the group evaluation 

40" LCD TV on loan from Harvey Norman

the room is taking shape 

To view our progress today in photos: Click Here


Set Design | Mobile Frame

The Mobile Frame

click image to enlarge

Three interactions will hang from the mobile. Three different shapes; a fish, a flower and a butterfly. Siobhán and Fodhla are making the technology, and Annie's mum is decorating the plastic canvas frame. They are going to be amazing!

Alannagh made a great job of the mobile. See the mock-up design here.


Set Design | Microphone Interaction

Alannagh worked hard today on set design. In fact, Alannagh made so much progress it will have to be blogged over several posts! She's amazing at this kind of thing, take a look...

A microphone stand covered with green fleece material and
decorated with fairy lights.
Alannagh handmade the flowers from paper & attached them to the lights.

add electricity

add one microphone courtesy of Annie's brother 

embed the microphone in paper

and hey presto, a fully functional flower-style microphone interaction

Click here to see a prototype design, and click here to see what the microphone controls on screen.


The final Countdown...

It was a hectic day for us today, as tomorrow is pretty much the Deadline to have our room set up.
Annie is working tirelessly on programming trying to get our animations playing, and perfected.
Alannagh has been working on our set design and has decided to scrap the rock button and instead use a Giant flower with a push button instead as you walk in to start the interactions.
Myself and Fodhla went in to sort out our equipment with the technicians we had to ensure to get a G5 mac, and the technicians will install Flash on it for us.
Next we had to go and collect the TV. Myself and Fodhla Organised for Harvey Norman  Dundalk, to sponser us a huge 40inch LCD TV, Which looks Great in our room

Next we gathered up all the set design materials from allanaghs and transported them to the carrolls Building. 
As myself and fodhla are working on the rest of the Interactions for the project now, we tested would the pendulum interaction in fact work. It seems to work on a temporary basis, and i am confident it will work when we get the sturdier crocheted pieces back. 

We also tested the windmill interaction, but after trying tirelessy to get it to work it is just too flimsy. 

We tried to get a motion sensor working but to no avail. 

We researched interactions on instructables and allanagh came up with the idea to put soft buttons in the already crocheted flowers we have made by Annies mum and aunts. This is  great idea and we will do this tomorrow. 

Now to get on with our paperwork as the deadline is looming!! 

26 May 2011

Photo Diary | Exhibition Room Day 1

As luck would have it we were allocated a sound proof room to exhibit REplay :) This is perfect, and necessary, for our microphone interaction to work effectively.

our room is on the corridor between the two exhibition areas
Alannagh's mate Niall setup the 40" TV we have on loan from Harvey Norman
Niall told us we need one of these to make
our Mac G5 compatible with the TV

* Thanks Niall, for your help and advice * 

The TV will sit in front of the polystyrene wall feature.
it absorbs sound waves and stops them from
bouncing around the walls, and more importantly it looks fab

While we prepare our room for set design and equipment, other groups have the tiring task of assembling, painting and decorating their exhibit kits. I don't envy them!

Alannagh in the exhibition hall with a group of 4th year students from the
BA (Hons) in Video and Film Production 
These four guys spent all day on their space making it into a room. They did a fantastic job. They ran slats of wood across the top and draped weed control fabric over the top, and over the entrance, to make the room dark. Very impressive.

This is exactly what we had planned until we were allocated a room. I can safely say it would have taken us four girls more than one day to achieve the same result.

a closer look at their entrance 

To view our progress today in photos: click here.


Windmill & Mobile Interaction Progress

Myself and Siobhán working on the windmill interaction.

Siobhán & Fodhla brainstorming and testing interaction designs
Fodhla, Niall, Alannagh & Siobhán, (Annie's behind the camera)

Design and technology for the butterfly interaction on the mobile.

Fodhla & Siobhán

Something From Nothing

Alannagh came up with a new interaction. Below she is holding a hallow plastic tube with the wire frame of an old lamp at the top. She fed a wire up the tube and attached a push button to the top. The button will be embedded in the bud of a huge flower.

It may not look like much now, but wait and see, it will be awesome by Monday!
pink and gold, soon to be, flower petals