
29 May 2011

Mobile Interactions Photo Update

Can't wait to blog how the three mobile interactions were made, but since I am still programming today, for now I will give you a sneak peak at yesterdays progress in pictures...

The Butterfly by Chief Knitter Toiréasa

{Picasa Web Album: The Butterfly}

The Fish by Crafty Cross-Stitcher Rachel

{Picasa Web Album: The Fish}

The Flower by Crochet Queen Áine

{Picasa Web Album:The Flower}

Interactions as of 5:30am

The women are working away again this afternoon to finish them off.

I really enjoyed making these, and I am so excited about seeing them on the mobile frame in our exhibition room!


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!! They look soooo pretty!! i love the little slide shows! Can't wait to see them!
